Friday, 25 May 2007

Miscellaneous ramblings...


I begin with a very important question: is it offensive to serve Germans ANZAC biscuits? Hugh the Canadian suggests I call them "Aussie Biscuits" instead, but I'd like to think that you can mention the army without annoying people too much. I have though about this a fair bit because I want to make some sort of Australian food, but because I don't have an oven (or a whole lot of skill), my options are limited. Tonight I'm going to Dani's house, and she said I can use her oven while I'm there, and ANZAC biscuits only take 15 mins to cook, so it's my first choice. Also, they're dead easy to make. Unlike pavlova, which I'm sure involves lots of egg-beating, and meat pies, which involve pastry *shudder*. Add to that the fact that I get lost in the supermarkets here, and ANZAC bikkies are the best bet! Note: SR Flour doesn't exist here - crazy!

On a completely different topic, the other week/month I went to a town called Kaiserslautern with Sandra from the lab and her husband, Gunner. We were meant to go to Saarbrucken, which is further away, but then there was a pet-related incident and Sandra and Gunner were held up at the vet, so Kaiserslautern was as far as we got! We went to the Japanese Garden there, which has been made quite recently because they have a sister-city in Japan and it's kind of a good-will thing. Very pretty though:


Sandra and Gunnar:

This weekend they're taking me to the Middle Rhine region, which looks beautiful on the net - hopefully the weather holds up (it's building up for a storm here - there's been high humidity and near-30 degree temps all week). A very good couple to travel with, because a.) they're from the North, so want to explore this area as much as possibe too, and b.) they are both fantastic sources of information on history, politics, geography, interesting statistics, etc. Their English isn't perfect, but it is good enough to understand after a bit of explaining and some help from my dictionary :)

On yet another note: Quite often on Sundays, some of the guys from the lab play football (read: soccer) in the park, and so I've been joining in too. I quickly realised my $30 Fila jogging shoes provide bugger-all protection for my poor toes, so I set out to find some hard-top shoes (also, in anticipation of the arrival of a REAL footy). It took me awhile to find actual sport shoes and not just poser shoes, but I eventually found a Rebel Sport-type store where they did sell stuff you can run in. Unfortunately, there was not much range in the leather-topped shoes, so my choices were limited, but I found some blindingly white tennis shoes that I was happy with and bought them.

Here they are with my olympic socks - dazzling, huh?

I wore them with my matching green singlet on the first wear, to represent Australia as much as possible. Sadly, I think the green-and-gold was mistaken as Brazilian colours :( At least I tried!

Next time I write, it'll be about my Paris trip from a few weeks ago!

Till then, Tschüss!


Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,

Do they have the pavlova bases in the German equivalent of coles that you can do what I do (ie cheat) and just add cream and fruit on top?

The supermarkets in Aus are hard enough to navigate and I speak the language (shudder). Good luck :) L

Michelle said...

I think pavlova's pretty much unheard of here. I also find it near-impossible to find a decent tin/packet of soup - oh Campbells, where for art thou? There's lots of Gulash and Linsentopf (usually contains lentils and grey-looking meat balls). Another thing is, supermarkets really only have food, not the other stuff you can get in Woolworths, so I never know where to buy stuff (I've been after a lock for ages).